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South Fayette Township Feasibility Study

Map 1
Interior Rendering
Map 2
Exterior Rendering
Massing Diagram
Client: South Fayette Township
Location: South Fayette, PA
Type: Feasibility Study
A facility that builds community has been a long-time vision for South Fayette Township. The Community Center Master Plan envisions an opportunity for the township to transform the site of the municipal building and public works building into a true community center where services and programs are provided in one centralized facility for the community.

The Community Center Master Plan was developed over months of information gathering, analysis, concept designs and discussions with a committee of South Fayette employees responsible for the respective areas of interest. The vision, goals, objectives, program and master plan represent a collaborative and interactive planning effort.

The master plan includes an implementation plan providing the township with a strategy to maintain operations throughout construction and build the community center in phases to align with funding expectations and the opportunity for future expansion of programs moving forward.


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